Vous avez besoin d'aide?
Écrivez-nousIt is possible to use certain substances responsibly without becoming addicted. For example, some people can have a glass of wine every evening at dinner without experiencing problems. For other people, this pattern could lead to difficulties and, of course, some substances are more addictive than others.
Whatever the substance is, and no matter how often you consume it, you may have a problem if the use of your substance impacts negatively one or many areas of your life, for example if:
- It causes you to miss work or appointments.
- It generates stress or arguments with people close to you.
- It is isolating you socially from your family and friends.
- It is creating financial difficulties for you.
- You realize that you spend your entire day looking forward to using or consuming it.
If any of these sounds like your situation, you may need help to deal with an addiction problem.
Assessing your own addiction is not recommended. If you are worried about your substance use or want to withdraw from a substance, we advise you to call us directly for more information and help. The information provided on this website is not meant as a substitute for professional assessment, advice or support.