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Marijuana, hashish and hashish oil all derive from the cannabis plant. Street names include
marijuana (grass, weed, pot, dope, ganja and others), hashish (hash) and hash oil (weed oil, honey oil).

Marijuana, hashish and hashish oil all derive from the cannabis plant. Street names include marijuana (grass, weed, pot, dope, ganja and others), hashish (hash) and hash oil (weed oil, honey oil).

People who use cannabis regularly can develop psychological and/or mild physical dependence. The most common symptoms of withdrawal are headaches, night sweats and insomnia, which can range from a few nights of no sleep to months of occasional sleeplessness. Other symptoms may include depression, nightmares, vivid dreams, anger, irritability, mood swings and anxiety.

If our evaluation determines that it is safe for you to withdraw in our Centre, you’ll be assigned a bed in the observation unit, where we will offer continuous support and monitoring. Most people begin with an observation period of 4 to 24 hours. When the worst of your symptoms have settled, you can begin a treatment program that includes counselling, acupuncture, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) sessions and meetings with other groups. A counsellor will be available to discuss your long-term treatment goals and plans. After your stay, you may call us any time (24/7) to talk about your recovery or ask for more support.

For more information, visit the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health website.